How to get a goo nights sleep | Sharon Taylor | Complete Harmony

5 ways to get a good night’s sleep

We all need to sleep. Sleep gives your body the time and ability to rest, repair, grow and support your natural biorhythms. After a good night’s sleep we will feel relaxed and energised – who doesn’t want that! For our bodies to repair and grow, within a 24 hour period a certain number of hours …

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how to control your worrying mind | Sharon Taylor | Complete Harmony

5 ways to take control of your worrying mind

When you worry people will often say to you “don’t worry” or “stop worrying, it doesn’t help” or “worrying doesn’t change anything so just think about something else”. All this is true, but these kind, loving and well-intentioned words aren’t very helpful, are they? And they can sometimes lead to you worrying even more! Worrying …

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Complete Harmony | The 5 Benefits of Reflexology for Stress in the Workplace | Corporate Reflexology | Sharon Taylor

Reflexology for post-lockdown stress

Reflexology is an ancient art dating back thousands of years, first practised by the Indian, Chinese and Egyptian peoples. But in 2020 in the middle of a worldwide pandemic, is there a place for it in the 21st century? Reflexology works on the principle that all organs and glands of the body are represented by …

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why taking time out is good for you | Sharon Taylor | Complete Hamrony

Why is taking time out good for you?

Do you sometimes feel like you are on a merry-go-round getting nowhere fast? We all live busy lives – work, social life, family, children, extended families, social media. It’s easy to overlook the need to take time out for yourself. Time alone to just relax, reflect and recharge. Time to identify, reconnect and take stock …

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5 easy steps to a positive mind | Complete Harmony | Sharon Taylor

5 easy steps to a positive mind

So, you’ve been taking time out every day to focus on your self-care. You’re now eating well, moving your body, drinking lots more water, getting enough rest and even having regular pampering treatments. You’re now feeling healthier than you’ve done in a long time and you’re looking and feeling great. But there’s a part of …

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7 reasons to forgive | Sharon Taylor | Complete Harmony

7 reasons to choose to forgive

Forgiveness is usually something we think of as a kind, magnanimous act. An act of compassion towards someone who has wronged or angered us. This is sometimes the case, but research has revealed great personal benefits to ourselves if we practice forgiveness. According to research, forgiveness is good for YOUR mind, body and spirit. This …

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stress awareness month | Sharon Taylor | Complete Harmony

Stress Awareness – Today & Every Day

April is National Stress Awareness month. A month when we are encouraged to look at how stress is affecting our work and family life and look at what we can do about reducing it. When I was asked to take part in a radio show to talk about my business, I jumped at the chance …

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saying yes to more than you can handle | Sharon Taylor | Complete Harmony

Saying ‘Yes’ to more than you can manage?

Are you stuck on a not-so-merry-go-round of saying ‘Yes’ to requests? Does being seen as the go-to person excite you and get you more requests? Do you sometimes feel stressed but push through to fulfil your commitment? I said ‘yes’ to too many things to help other people, and when I couldn’t get them all …

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5 ways to reduce stress | Sharon Taylor | Complete Harmony

Five actions to reduce stress

We all encounter stressful situations. Stress is your body’s automatic way of reacting when you are feeling threatened. Stress is a natural reaction and prepares you for ‘flight or fight’. Your nervous system releases stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol to prepare your body for an emergency. Your heart pounds faster to allow blood …

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why taking time out is good for you | Sharon Taylor | Complete Hamrony

Three steps to increase your energy levels

You know that feeling when you’re drained of energy, physically and mentally, but you don’t know why? You’ve had a good nights’ sleep and feel great when you wake up but a few hours later you find yourself falling asleep in the chair or worse in a meeting! It’s happened a few times recently and …

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7 meditation myths | Complete Harmony | Sharon Taylor

7 Common Meditation Myths Busted

Has one of these widely-held (but completely wrong) beliefs about meditation put you off? Curious about the benefits of meditation but not sure it’s for you? The truth is (and much research has been done around this) meditation has many mental, emotional, spiritual and physical benefits which can be easily accessed by anyone. So, let …

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Complete Harmony

Middleton: Senses of Siam, No. 10 The Courtyard Centre, Middleton Hall B78 2AE

Telephone: 07751 942234


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