18 quotes | Sharon Taylor | Complete Harmony

18 awesome quotes to change your perception

I love a good quote. They help to focus my mind so I can gain clarity and either enhance or change my mindset. Quotes come in all shapes and sizes and cover a multitude of situations and circumstances. No matter how you are feeling (anxious, stressed, worried, self-conscious, happy, excited etc.) there is a quote …

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selfcare advent | Sharon Taylor | Complete Harmony

How to boost your self-care for advent

It’s that time of year again. When the shops have lots of advent calendars filled with things designed to make us feel happy in the run up to Christmas. In past times advent calendars were aimed at children and filled with chocolates and mini toys. Over the last few years an increasing number of calendars …

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Complete Harmony | The 5 Benefits of Reflexology for Stress in the Workplace | Corporate Reflexology | Sharon Taylor

Top 10 questions about reflexology treatments

Reflexology is the most popular treatment that I offer. I love having any treatment, reflexology, reiki, different types of massages, and I don’t give a second thought to getting ready and on the couch. I think this comes from having a lot of treatments whilst training and also being a treatment model for a friend …

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take a pit stop | Complete Harmony | Sharon Taylor

Running on empty? Five ways to refuel

You know that feeling when you feel you’re running on empty? Your body feel heavy, your movements are slow and sluggish and you can’t think straight. You’d like to be doing more but you only have enough physical or mental strength to get you through the day. The treatments I offer are great for helping …

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staycation | Sharon Taylor | Complete Harmony

Staycations all year round

People talk about the calm before a storm but with the holiday season fast approaching, for many people, it can be more like the storm before the storm! I hear mothers talking about all the things they must do during the last two weeks of the school term. Sports day or school plays, getting presents …

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signs of stress | Sharon Taylor | Complete Harmony

Common signs of stress

We all know that stress is an automatic body response in humans (and animals) that is activated when we’re faced with life-threatening situations. But modern-day life has resulted in this natural response being triggered even when our life isn’t being threatened.  Stress affects everyone in different ways. This could be mentally, emotionally, physically or a …

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drinking more water | Complete Harmony | Sharon Taylor

5 easy ways to drink more water

We’re all drinking our 2 litres of water every day, right? Our body is composed of about 60% water. In hot weather, we will naturally increase our water intake but when the weather turns colder it’s sometimes not as easy to get your 2 litres in. Five ways to increase your water intake Flavour it with …

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7 meditation myths | Complete Harmony | Sharon Taylor

Private Meditation Sessions

All over the world for 1,000s of years, people have been meditating. Our mind is a wonderful thing. It allows us to have an average of 70,000 thoughts a day which include thoughts that help us to analyse, plan, judge, learn and create. Within this vast number of thoughts, negative thoughts are also present. Too …

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reducing stress in December | Sharon Taylor | Complete Harmony

How to reduce your stress in December

December can be a busy time of the year for many people. It can be a whirlwind of deadlines, parties, expenses and chaos to deal with. So how can you keep a grip and enjoy the build-up to the festive season? For people who are working, you can spend more time doing extra work in …

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how to be proactive for better health | Sharon Taylor | Complete Harmony

How to be proactive for better health

Three of the most common causes of stress are; work, relationships and money. As these affect us all, it stands to reason that we all need to be more proactive in reducing and managing our stress and anxiety levels. For many years complementary therapies were viewed as pampering treatments to have as a treat. More …

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Reiki | Complete Harmony | Sharon Taylor

Treatment Vouchers

Do you have a friend or relative that you never know what gift to get for them? They don’t need any more perfume, gadgets, champagne or flowers? For that big birthday, anniversary, Christmas or just to say thank you a Treatment Voucher makes an ideal gift for the person who has everything. Just decide how …

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Complete Harmony

Middleton: Senses of Siam, No. 10 The Courtyard Centre, Middleton Hall B78 2AE

Telephone: 07751 942234

Email: sharon@complete-harmony.co.uk

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