How to record your success | Sharon Taylor | Complete Harmony

Recording your Successes

During the year do you find yourself asking ‘Where has the time gone’? When reminiscing we think about how things have gone – what we have achieved and what hasn’t been so successful. Throughout the year I try to keep my focus on the positive and on what I have achieved. I encourage my clients …

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Reiki for new moms | Sharon Taylor | Complete Harmony

Reiki for overwhelmed new mums

Reiki is a lovely treatment and could be the perfect treatment for a mum-to-be or a new mum if she’s feeling a little anxious, stressed, depressed or overwhelmed. These feelings can come up at any time – pre-birth, during pregnancy or post-delivery and many women find reiki deeply relaxing and calming for themselves and their …

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Beginners guide to meditation | Sharon Taylor | Complete harmony

A beginners’ guide to meditation

If you’ve tried meditation and found it difficult, here’s a beginner’s guide to meditation that will help you to dispel some myths so that you can leave behind phrases like, “I can’t get into it” or “it doesn’t work for me”. People usually find it difficult because they don’t often sit in silence or just …

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reflexology | Complete Harmony | Sharon Taylor

Reflexology Myths Busted

Reflexology is a treatment many people have heard of but they don’t really know a lot about it. Most have usually heard one of the many reflexology myths. These myths are usually about what a treatment can and can’t do for you. Two of the most common reflexology myths are: it’s just a relaxing foot …

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Gratitude journal | Sharon Taylor | Complete Harmony

How to Start a Gratitude Practise

Do you have a gratitude practise? In a recent conversation, I said, if every day for a week you make a list of five different things you’re grateful for, you would have a list of 35 things. The response was “no-one has that many things to be grateful for!” At first, this response surprised me. …

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managing stress | Sharon Taylor | Complete Harmony

Five Habits to Reduce & Manage your Stress Levels

If you’re looking for effective ways to reduce and manage your stress levels, then take a look at these five activities. Managing your stress effectively will help you to: – Build your self-belief Increase your feelings of self-worth Create focus and a more positive mindset. There will always be times in your life when you …

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goal setting with intention | Sharon Taylor | Complete Harmony

Goal Setting with Intentions

Do you set goals? Goal setting is great for helping you to identify and focus on what you want to achieve. What success looks like is different for everyone and setting goals helps you to see and then make a plan of action towards achieving your goals. In the workplace setting S.M.A.R.T. (specific, measurable, actionable, …

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7 Ways for Busy Women to Feel Energised

Do you ever feel like you’ve lost your mojo and you need an injection of mental or physical energy? You’ve ruled out any medical condition that could be causing this fatigue, and you can’t work out what is causing you to feel this way. Lethargy is often something that can be quickly and easily be …

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working with carers | Sharon Taylor | Complete Harmony

5 Quick Ways Carers can De-stress

Are you a carer? Do you sometimes feel stressed and overwhelmed by your caring responsibilities? In this blog I share with you five quick ways for you to de-stress. “I used to say to people who said they were caring for a family member, that’s really kind of you. But now I’m a full-time carer …

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Sharon Tayor | Complete Harmony |how often should i have a reflexology treatment

How often should you have a reflexology treatment?

One of the many questions I’m asked before someone starts working with me is how often should I have a reflexology treatment. The benefits of a reflexology treatment vary from person to person so before answering this question I always consider these 5 things about a potential client: 1. their circumstances 2. their initial reason …

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Simple meditation techniques for working women | Complete Harmony | Author Shelley Wilson | Meditation

Simple Meditation Techniques for Women in Business

The benefits of meditation have been spoken about for decades, and yet the number of people actively meditating is still relatively small. Why do we shy away from things that are good for us? Quite often we are sucked into the ‘too good to be true’ vibe and start to doubt that something so simple …

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Complete Harmony

Middleton: Senses of Siam, No. 10 The Courtyard Centre, Middleton Hall B78 2AE

Telephone: 07751 942234


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