burnout | Complete Harmony | Sharon Taylor

Recognising and managing your stress levels

The Covid-19 pandemic has affected us all in one way or another. Feelings of anxiety, isolation, depression and loss have all been prevalent over the last 12 months. The number of situations that wouldn’t normally cause you to feel stressed may have escalated during the lockdown and some signs that you are stressed may have …

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distant reiki treatment | Sharon Taylor | Complete Harmony

What is Distant Reiki?

If you’ve had an in-person Reiki treatment with me, you’ll know how relaxing it is and how energised and calm you feel after it. My treatment rooms are all designed to give you a relaxing atmosphere to have your treatment in. As you lie on my couch, I link up with the Reiki energy and …

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boost your energy levels | Sharon Taylor | Complete Harmony

How to quickly boost your energy levels

We all get tired from time to time and need more energy. Strong coffee or an energy drink will quickly boost your energy levels but in the long term, something more sustainable (and healthier) is needed. I regularly recommend simple, quick energy-boosting activities to my clients. One initially sceptical client tried a suggestion and was …

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declutter your life | Sharon Taylor | Complete Harmony

7 ways to declutter your life

When was the last time you had a good clear-out? When you spent some time going through drawers and cupboards and throwing away things you no longer need? Chances are during lockdown you may have taken this opportunity to make a start on getting rid of things you don’t need or haven’t used for a …

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Calm and clarity hour | Sharon Taylor | Complete Harmony

How to fill your cup up

Many of us are seeking respite from the pressures of our daily routines. The theory is that in this stay-at-home period, we all have lots of time on our hands. That may be the case for some but for others, they are busier than ever. Life today is characterised by its busyness and constant change. …

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Attitude of gratitude | Sharon Taylor | Complete Harmony

Developing an attitude of gratitude

For most of us, life is good although we may not always appreciate it. If you think about it, every day there is so much to be grateful for 🙂 But when life throws us a curveball in the form of a challenging situation, it can be easy to forget all the good times. You …

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Help reducing stress | Sharon Taylor | Complete Harmony

6 ways to transform your mental state now!

We are living in challenging times and need to pay attention to our coping mechanisms and make sure we’re not ignoring our mental health.  If Covid-19, isolation and social distancing has had a negative impact on your mental health you’re not alone. Finding ways to lift your mood and stay optimistic is paramount. Here are 6 …

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self care | Complete Harmony | what is self care | Sharon Taylor

What the heck is self-care anyway?

This month my focus is on self-care. But what the heck is self-care anyway I hear you cry? Self-care is often regarded as being selfish – looking after yourself first and not attending to the needs of others. Putting other people first is polite and appropriate at times. Pouring them the first drink, offering them a …

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how to control your worrying mind | Sharon Taylor | Complete Harmony

5 ways to take control of your worrying mind

When you worry people will often say to you “don’t worry” or “stop worrying, it doesn’t help” or “worrying doesn’t change anything so just think about something else”. All this is true, but these kind, loving and well-intentioned words aren’t very helpful, are they? And they can sometimes lead to you worrying even more! Worrying …

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Complete Harmony | The 5 Benefits of Reflexology for Stress in the Workplace | Corporate Reflexology | Sharon Taylor

Reflexology for post-lockdown stress

Reflexology is an ancient art dating back thousands of years, first practised by the Indian, Chinese and Egyptian peoples. But in 2020 in the middle of a worldwide pandemic, is there a place for it in the 21st century? Reflexology works on the principle that all organs and glands of the body are represented by …

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why taking time out is good for you | Sharon Taylor | Complete Hamrony

Why is taking time out good for you?

Do you sometimes feel like you are on a merry-go-round getting nowhere fast? We all live busy lives – work, social life, family, children, extended families, social media. It’s easy to overlook the need to take time out for yourself. Time alone to just relax, reflect and recharge. Time to identify, reconnect and take stock …

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Complete Harmony

Middleton: Senses of Siam, No. 10 The Courtyard Centre, Middleton Hall B78 2AE

Telephone: 07751 942234

Email: sharon@complete-harmony.co.uk

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