How to control your overthinking | Sharon Taylor | Complete Harmony

How to Reduce Overthinking and Find Clarity and Focus

As a self-employed woman, you juggle everything; your business, your home and your well-being. All this juggling can result in you feeling trapped in a cycle of overthinking, which can lead to exhaustion and self-doubt causing you to feel overwhelmed. If this continues it can lead to you experiencing burnout. Even though life keeps moving, …

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journaling for carers | Sharo Taylor | Complete Harmony

Writing for wellness: How journaling can empower carers

As a carer, it’s not uncommon to experience feelings of worry, anxiety, guilt or stress and it’s natural to struggle with how to manage these emotions. The weight of these feelings can easily lead to you feeling overwhelmed. As a carer, you give so much of yourself, and it’s easy to forget that your mental, …

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stress management | Sharon Taylor | Complete Harmony | Reducing anxiety

How can I reduce my stress and anxiety levels?

I am passionate about helping people to live their life with less stress. Empowering them to find ways to reduce their stress and anxiety levels is what I love doing. For over 20 years, working as a complementary therapist, I’ve worked with hundreds of people from different walks of life. The main thing they have in …

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managing anxiety | Sharon Taylor | Complete Harmony | treatment programmes

Why I Created Treatment Programmes

I’ve been working as a complementary therapist for over 20 years and at the start of my journey treatment programmes were not on my radar. I’ve worked with hundreds of clients and performed thousands of treatments and I love the variety this has brought me. Each client comes with personal circumstances, challenges and specific needs. …

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workshops | learning together | Complete Harmony | Sharon Taylor

5 ways for carers to create some me-time

As a carer do you find it difficult to carve time out of your busy day for yourself? Do you find that you’re constantly putting the needs of others before your own? At the end of each day do you fall into bed feeling drained and exhausted? This is how many carers I work with …

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motivation \ Sharon Taylor | complete Harmony

Understanding the Power of Motivation

Motivation plays a big role in writing a book, and understanding how I interpret and work with or against my unique motivators helps me to achieve more. I love the entire process of writing a book. From the initial spark of an idea right through to the edits, you are on a developmental journey that …

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working with carers | Sharon Taylor | Complete Harmony

Working with Carers

When you are caring 24/7 it can be difficult to get some time to yourself – time to rest, relax and recharge. For over 17 years I’ve been providing on-site treatments for care organisations in the form of half or full-day relaxation events. These organisations provide support to people who care for loved ones at …

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How to record your success | Sharon Taylor | Complete Harmony

Recording your Successes

During the year do you find yourself asking ‘Where has the time gone’? When reminiscing we think about how things have gone – what we have achieved and what hasn’t been so successful. Throughout the year I try to keep my focus on the positive and on what I have achieved. I encourage my clients …

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Reiki for new moms | Sharon Taylor | Complete Harmony

Reiki for overwhelmed new mums

Reiki is a lovely treatment and could be the perfect treatment for a mum-to-be or a new mum if she’s feeling a little anxious, stressed, depressed or overwhelmed. These feelings can come up at any time – pre-birth, during pregnancy or post-delivery and many women find reiki deeply relaxing and calming for themselves and their …

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Beginners guide to meditation | Sharon Taylor | Complete harmony

A beginners’ guide to meditation

If you’ve tried meditation and found it difficult, here’s a beginner’s guide to meditation that will help you to dispel some myths so that you can leave behind phrases like, “I can’t get into it” or “it doesn’t work for me”. People usually find it difficult because they don’t often sit in silence or just …

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Gratitude journal | Sharon Taylor | Complete Harmony

How to Start a Gratitude Practise

Do you have a gratitude practise? In a recent conversation, I said, if every day for a week you make a list of five different things you’re grateful for, you would have a list of 35 things. The response was “no-one has that many things to be grateful for!” At first, this response surprised me. …

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Complete Harmony

Middleton: Senses of Siam, No. 10 The Courtyard Centre, Middleton Hall B78 2AE

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