Running on empty? Five ways to refuel

You know that feeling when you feel you’re running on empty?

Your body feel heavy, your movements are slow and sluggish and you can’t think straight. You’d like to be doing more but you only have enough physical or mental strength to get you through the day.

The treatments I offer are great for helping to boost your energy and helping you to feel rejuvenated. But when you can’t get to me for a treatment, some ways to help yourself on a daily basis are needed. But first, get answers to these five questions.

5 questions to ask yourself

1. Am I dehydrated?

Water, water, water. A lack of water leaves you dehydrated and can make you feel tired and lethargic. Energise yourself with at least 2 litres of water a day. Have more in hot weather and also when you are exercising.

2. Am I getting enough physical exercise?

Exercising actually gives you energy, making you feel revitalised and uplifted! You don’t need to go to the gym or run a marathon. 10,000 steps a day is recommended for a healthy adult. A brisk walk will go a long way to achieving some of your 10,000 steps as well as increasing your heart rate. Take the stairs when you have the option to and park slightly further away when shopping.

3. Am I getting enough mental exercise?

A quick burst of mental simulation helps to stimulate and focus your mind. Take 15 minutes and do a quick crossword, word search, Sudoku or any other puzzle. Learn a new skill, possibly playing an instrument or learning a new language and again take some time out each day to practice.

woman resting, pit stop4. Am I getting enough sleep?

Your body needs to rest to restore your depleted energy levels. Having a set time to go to bed and a bedtime routine will ensure you get enough rest and wake up refreshed and ready for the day ahead.

5. Do I need to do everything?

If you’re struggling don’t be afraid to ask for help. People are usually happy to help if they are asked. Planning ahead can save you time and energy – your weekly/monthly shop can be delivered to your door. Share tasks like tidying the toys, cleaning the house, cooking meals. Think of tasks that can be delegated to others. Eliminate any tasks that don’t need to be done and especially that don’t need to be done by you!

Get in touch for a FREE Chat to find out how working with me can help you.

About Sharon

Therapist, Sharon Taylor, Tamworth, KnowleSharon lives with her partner, Geoff, in Warwickshire and they have two adult children. She worked for over 25 years in an office environment, gaining qualifications to degree level in finance, business and management. While there Sharon witnessed and experienced many stressful situations and suffered stress-related illnesses.

Sharon was advised to make some changes to her lifestyle which included trying complementary therapies. After experiencing the benefits of complementary treatments, Sharon decided to retrain and share her knowledge and experiences to help others recognise and manage their own physical and emotional stress and anxiety levels.

Sharon has been working as a complementary therapist for over 15 years now She loves helping people manage and reduce their stress levels, to feel uplifted, focused, positive and empowered about their lives.

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Complete Harmony

Middleton: Senses of Siam, No. 10 The Courtyard Centre, Middleton Hall B78 2AE

Telephone: 07751 942234


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