What Is Facial Reflexology?

If you are looking for a gentle, non-intrusive holistic facial treatment then facial reflexology could be just the one for you.

Facial reflexology has its origins in the Vietnamese system of facial acupressure but it is a less invasive and an excellent alternative to facial acupuncture.

Like foot reflexology, it works on the principle that there are meridian points on the face that correspond with various organs in the body. The side of the nose, for instance, encourages healing and health in the lungs, whilst the ears promote wellbeing in the kidneys.

Gentle pressures and stroking techniques are used to release tension in facial muscles to promote a healthy flow of energy through the body and induce mental and physical relaxation.

Aside from the general health benefits of facial reflexology, the motion of the movement helps to work the facial muscles and release muscular tension which can result in a radiant glow and firmer skin.

After having a facial reflexology treatment with me, clients have reported feeling deeply relaxed, calmer, more focused and uplifted.

Click here for more information and to book your treatment.

facial reflexology | Sharon Taylor | Complete Harmony

About Sharon

Sharon Taylor Holistic healing, complete harmony

Sharon lives with her partner, Geoff, in Warwickshire and they have two adult children. She worked for over 25 years in an office environment, gaining qualifications to degree level in finance, business, and management. While there Sharon witnessed and experienced many stressful situations and suffered illnesses that were stress-related.

Sharon was advised to make some changes to her lifestyle which included trying complementary therapies. After experiencing the benefits of complementary treatments, Sharon decided to retrain and share her knowledge and experiences to help others recognise and manage their own physical and emotional stress and anxiety levels.

She has been working as a complementary therapist for over 15 years now and loves helping people manage and reduce their stress levels to feel uplifted, focused, positive and empowered about their lives.

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Complete Harmony

Middleton: Senses of Siam, No. 10 The Courtyard Centre, Middleton Hall B78 2AE

Telephone: 07751 942234

Email: sharon@complete-harmony.co.uk

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